Saturday 16 July 2011

Ok, Nikki Sixx

So, you all heard about Nikki Sixx and what he said about Michael Jackson.

I am pissed off, so are many others. I always have to think about what Michael Jackson said about disrespecting other artists. He said that it's unprofessional.

To quote Michael Jackson said to Gerado in 2006:

"I’ve been an artist most of my life and I’ve never attacked a fellow artist. Great artists don’t do that. You don’t have to do that."

Well, there you go - Michael as sweet as always.

Let's recap what Nikki Sixx said and I know it will not change anything, but I have to get this off my chest - Nikki Sixx will never apologize, because this is not rock'n'roll like - you just fuck people off and go. On top of that, it was most likely a publicity stunt - he is on tour with his clown band Mötley Crüe.

Anyway, it all started with his weird dream:

Then he went on after some MJ fans got pissed off - which was justified, in my opinion. He is patting himself on his shoulder for his "oh-so-great" accomplishments. o_O

I would like to point out the language he used: "creep fuck". Nice. Well, his disciples agreed and called Michael a pedophile who is rotting in hell. Ughh! Well, to be fair - I saw some of his fans were pissed as well, because they like Michael Jackson too and promised they will not go to any more concerts of him or his band. At least some people have brains and know what decent behavior is.

On twitter he went on and RTed very nasty tweets. Here are the best ofs:

I have nothing more to add other than that I am disgusted by his behavior.
A person who crowns himself as a role model for children.

So, if some of Nikki Sixx Fans find their way to this blog which I doubt, grow a brain and educate yourself before you call a dead man names. Shame on you all.

P.S.: I found something interesting in the internet regarding his "oh-so-great" book. According to one of the  former front men of Mötley Crüe (John Corabi). He said:
"I've had a few people tell me about 'The Heroin Diaries', but... I love Nikki to death, and again, this is just my opinion, I find it really hard to believe that somebody would actually be... Everybody that I know that's done heroin, they do heroin and they're out. And I find it very hard to believe that somebody can do heroin and then have the foresight to write everything down." [Source]

Furthermore: "In February 2008, former MÖTLEY CRÜE producer Tom Werman slammed "Heroin Diaries" as "totally deluded" and "stunningly inaccurate." In a letter to the New York Times, Werman took issue with Sixx's assertion that the producer chatted on the phone during the recording of "Theatre of Pain", "Shout at the Devil" and "Girls Girls Girls" while Sixx did all the work.

"If this distortion of reality is the result of Sixx's past heroin habit, then his diary is truly nothing more than a pipe dream, and the events to which this book refers may simply be the needle-induced fantasies of an attention-starved junkie," Werman wrote." [Source]

P.P.S.: I found a similar account  from one of his (many) wives that he faked his book "The Heroin Diaries" - he made it up in order to make a quick buck and get rehabilitated and accepted into society to make even more money.

"Go behind the scenes of a marriage of a man who uses words to shape reality and find a destructive divorce. You might also find a best selling memoir created out of thin air.
Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue hired one of L.A.'s champion divorce lawyers to assist in his no holds barred destruction of not one, but two wives,  in divorce court.  I was there when the lies flew from his mouth accusing his wife of being a high priced call girl and making sure the press was there.  That her father was there was unimportant to him.  What purpose those lies? A win in divorce court at a kid's expense. Who needs her father's lies about her mom in the media?
Where he destroys, his wife must build, where he fabricates she pierces the veil of his fabricated reality.

Best Selling Lie

Nikki  destroyed whatever it is that holds a married life together.  With betrayals there was no trust;  with lies, the bridges holding them together fell apart;  like dominoes the marriage fell one day, one lie, at a time. When the infrastructure of a life is gone a collapse is inevitable.
With every needle he stuck in his arm and with every need he fulfilled at Donna's expense, Nikki orchestrated the end.  The battering, the abuse, Nikki's  women, the control, the money Nikki spent on clothes he never wore, the drugs he used like candy, and the secrets he tried to hide through litigation.

Nikki is no stranger to manipulating words.  He uses that talent for creating block busting Motley Crue lyrics and it's his bread and butter.  But I listened to him in court use words to  lie about Donna.  He wasn't believable, it was an act, but  since he'd invited the press his lies traveled the blogosphere with a weight an aging rock star can carry to his adoring fans.  I wasn't surprised his attorney was one of L.A.'s infamous pit bull,  foul mouthed whores of the court also using words to intimidate Donna.  He walked up to her outside the courtroom, and in front of her father, Gary Fishbein said, "I don't know what fucking games you are playing."  But Gary should know -  he is a master game player.

Looking for love in all the wrong places, Nikki created a best selling book, called it The Heroin Diaries and pretended these were journal entries from his heroin days.  Only they weren't.  They were fabricated on the fly to make the book a best seller.  The ultimate high was a national best seller and like any addict he needed the fix of not only a trophy wife,  a band that wouldn't quit,  but a spot on The New York Times Best Selling List.  Maybe he could rewrite it and call it Methadone Fix: How I Faked The Heroin Diaries.

Rehab is a multi billion dollar industry that sometimes helps, sometimes not.  It comes prepackaged with a lingo all its own with those in it regurgitating 'healing' words from brochures and handouts from higher power spouting therapists. Nikki went to rehab and learned more ways to use words to prove he can manipulate those around him: evaluators, therapists, lawyers, judges. He's good.

I don't dislike Nikki's never ending media love affair, or the adoring fans who see what they want in him, but if there's going to be a best seller chronicling a trip  to hell and back, let Donna write it. I'd rather know how anyone can go from Baywatch babe to raising Nikki's kids to homeschooling mom and successfully representing herself in court against all odds and come up smiling.  I like winners - those winners that happen because you write your own success by living it, not by faking it."